Maastricht is the place where Europe changed forever, with the signing of the Treaty on European Union in February 1992. Spread across the city are a number of sites that are a reminder of this historic event. Explore them on this walk!
Local businesses: you will find them everywhere in Maastricht. And we’re certainly fortunate in this respect! Local businesses tend to offer the best products, after all. You often find these hidden gems at unexpected locations throughout the city.
Maastricht is known for its sparkle, which comes to the fore in spectacular fashion in the winter months. At this time of year, thousands of lights encapsulate the warmth that you feel in Maastricht.
Maastricht may be the most Italian city in the Netherlands, and this time Saskia will show you Italian locations in the Jekerkwartier district and Maastricht’s historic city centre.
You may know about Maastricht’s rich Roman past. But did you know that the remnants of this past can still be found in almost all parts of the city? Let your imagination run wild as you follow the traces left by the Romans in Maastricht.
The very mention of the word nonnevot might make your mouth start to water – or you might have no idea what we're talking about. A nonnevot, a doughnut in the shape of a bow, is a traditional Limburg pastry. The bakers in Maastricht are experts in making.
It starts early: just as we’re all getting used to autumn and its dreary days, they're back. The magical lights. As if they’d never gone away. Follow the lights of Wyck in the Wyck walk with Janneke Grolleman.