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ENCI quarry

Infopunt Sint-Pietersberg, Maastricht

After being closed for a long time, the decision was made on 5 October 2017 to reopen the ENCI quarry to the public.


Infopunt Sint-Pietersberg
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After being closed for a long time, the decision was made on 5 October 2017 to reopen the ENCI quarry to the public. Visitors who want to enjoy nature are welcome again from that moment on. Bathing in the quarry is prohibited until further notice.

In 2018, after 100 years of marl extraction, all extraction activities will cease in the ENCI quarry. The area will then largely be managed by Natuurmonumenten (the Society for preservation of nature monuments in the Netherlands). The ENCI area is a wonderful place to walk and enjoy all the beautiful plants and animals the area has to offer. Enjoy the beautiful landscape in your own way.

Combine your visit to the ENCI quar…

After being closed for a long time, the decision was made on 5 October 2017 to reopen the ENCI quarry to the public. Visitors who want to enjoy nature are welcome again from that moment on. Bathing in the quarry is prohibited until further notice.

In 2018, after 100 years of marl extraction, all extraction activities will cease in the ENCI quarry. The area will then largely be managed by Natuurmonumenten (the Society for preservation of nature monuments in the Netherlands). The ENCI area is a wonderful place to walk and enjoy all the beautiful plants and animals the area has to offer. Enjoy the beautiful landscape in your own way.

Combine your visit to the ENCI quarry with a lovely walk along St. Pietersberg hill. From Luikerweg, you can climb the hill and walk past Chalet Bergrust. If you fancy a longer walk, keep right at the top of the hill and go on a fantastic stroll to Kanne (Belgium). You can also take in the view over the ENCI quarry and even go to the lookout – complete with binoculars!
