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Group excursion Mission Underground

Minister Goeman, Maastricht

Active and exciting! A teambuilding program in the form of an experience game in the former defense system, the Casemates, under the city of Maastricht,


Minister Goeman
Borgesiusplantsoen 30
6214 SE Maastricht
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The Kazematten are a labyrinth with about 14 kilometers of underground passages. A special outing with a mission… courage and imagionation required. 

A spy appears to have given false coordinates to the RAF (Royal Airforce) in World War II. An attack hits Maastricht directly in the heart. Your team faces a mission, to save Maastricht from an enemy attack. Take on the role of a secret agent. In the underground corridors of the Casemates, you and your teammates will search for secret underground rooms, in the same corridors that were used in the past, during a siege of the city, to approach the enemy underground and render them harmless. 

Extra details:

  • The temperature in the tunnels of the Casemates is a constant 12 degrees (approx.). Wearing a cardigan, jumper, or jacket and sturdy shoes is recommended.
  • The minimum age for participation is 18 years.
  • Not suitable for participants who have difficulty walking,


  • Daily until february 28th, 2025


  • €26.50 Minimum purchase: 20
