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Maastricht Tracks


This audio walk by artist David Helbich is a collection of eleven audio tracks for the ears, the eyes, and the rest of the body.

Maastricht Tracks takes you on a trip to some very special places in the middle of the city, invisible to most visitors but less than an arm’s length away: a trip into the parallel universe of sensations and imagination, contemplative in some parts, absurd in others.

This audio walk by artist David Helbich is a collection of eleven audio tracks for the ears, the eyes, and the rest of the body, performed in collaboration between you and the city. Maastricht Tracks is divided into a book and eleven audio files. Together they contain a set of instructions. With the help of your participation, the tracks come to life and actually begin to exist. You are the performer and the audience at the same time.

You can order a copy of the book Maastricht Tracks here for €20.


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