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Visit the Céramique district

Leave the narrow, cobblestone streets and their historic old buildings behind for a bit and discover an entirely different, exciting, and dynamic side of Maastricht. Nowhere in Maastricht is there a place where past and present come together so powerfully as in Céramique.

Cultural hotspots

Céramique is the place to be if you're a culture vulture. The iconic Bonnefantenmuseum located along the Meuse, Centre Céramique, and the Bordenhal, repertory theatre of Toneelgroep Maastricht theatre ensemble, are all within walking distance. You'll never be bored in Céramique! 

Maastricht Bonnefantenmuseum Céramique Bezoeken Musea Maastricht Céramique Beluga

Céramique: style and sophistication

Curious about this unique district? Every month, a local is on hand to help you discover the district through the eyes of someone who lives here.

Read the blog!

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