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Wyck: more than just a district

A district dotted with vintage shops, picture-perfect cafés, and quaint side streets lined with beautiful stately mansions. While you could easily think that this refers to one of the trendy districts of New York or Los Angeles, it is actually a description of one of Maastricht's gems: the district of Wyck. This district has reinvented itself in recent years and is now the place to be for anyone who loves innovative concepts. And there are no shortages of those here. Wyck, which has managed to preserve its intimate character over the years, is the perfect place for anyone enjoying a stroll through the city to come and explore while enjoying the peace and calm that this district offers in abundance.

Marvellous mansions

Cross the road at Stationsplein square and you immediately arrive in Wyck. If you then turn left into the first street, you'll be in awe of the beautiful residential area in which you find yourself. The stately mansions tower above you, trees line the streets, and you're surrounded by silence. The sense of calm is almost palpable even though one of the most popular streets of Maastricht is just a few hundred metres away. For a brief moment you experience what living in Wyck is like, a life defined by good times in a peaceful area. You might even be able to catch a glimpse inside one of these beautiful homes as you stroll through the streets.

Fabulous fashion

When walking through Maastricht, you simply have to take a look inside a few of the fabulous shops. And in Wyck, there are plenty of those too! Even if you don't need anything, taking a stroll through the shopping streets of the district and browsing through the unique shops is just as fun. You'll find everything from vintage clothing to the latest fashion collections, eyewear, and interior décor brands. Most of the shops here are just a little different than those in the city centre. So don't open your wallet too quickly too often as there's plenty to choose from! The shops are a fun way of adding something extra to your city stroll and finding some inspiration for your own wardrobe or home.

Coffee with a touch of class

It's become a fact of life: in 2018, coffee is not just about drinking coffee anymore. Coffee is about sharing a good time with friends and about drinking it in a place that has a trendier décor than an interior design shop and where the display cases are filled with artisan cakes and pastries. And, if the coffee is to be absolutely perfect, the coffee beans should be sourced from a sustainable plantation in Colombia. While it might sound like quite a challenge to meet all of these requirements, the businesses in Wyck have made it look easy. The trendiest district in Maastricht has several cafés with unique characters and delicious coffee and food. This makes it the perfect place for resting your feet during your city stroll. So, take a seat, order a cup of that perfect coffee, and be sure to ask for a slice of traditional Limburgsevlaoj (sweet tart from Limburg).

Well-beloved water

Your walk through Wyck ends at the St Servatius Bridge which takes you across the river into the city centre. This is where the quaint streets make way for the broad riverbanks of the Meuse. The residents of Maastricht feel a close connection with this river which is expressed by the vibrant atmosphere of the many café terraces that line its banks. So, be sure to plan a date with the Meuse before moving on to discover the other side of the city. If you're not full yet from your slice of vlaai, then take a seat at one of the café terraces and enjoy the magnificent view of the Meuse while enjoying a snack platter and a glass of wine. Enjoy all that Maastricht has to offer!